The Well-being and Energy Efficiency in Living (HEA) project seeks innovative solutions from the viewpoint of sustainable development by combining well-being sector customer insights and high technology appliance expertise. Social and technical solutions which increase human well-being, operational capacity and energy efficient living are being sought especially within the context of aging population living.

CKIR’s main task is to support the whole HEA project. A clear definition of the project goals, limits and different roles of the actors enable an efficient focusing on the primary tasks and guarantee well-functioning co-operation. A common research methodology ensures the high quality, impact and wider generalization of the results in the project’s research. CKIR’s central task in HEA project is the detailed definition of the project’s research goals and the utilized research framework and methodology.

As a result of the CKIR’s project work together with the project partners a research framework will be constructed for the use of the project pilots. A common approach will guarantee the quality and validity of research and enable the comparability of the results between different pilots. In the end of the project the collected data will be analyzed by utilizing the common research framework. The objective of the analysis is to state the economic, social and ecologic impact of the results and thus to produce information for decision-making regarding the wider deployment of the solutions.

More information on the overall project can be found here.

Page content by: | Last updated: 04.06.2014.