Systemic Innovations in Public Sector Interface

Systemic innovations by definition require the efforts and support of a wide group of actors. These actors could be companies, public sector organizations (e.g. cities, ministries), academic institutes or different kind of communities (citizens, consumers, user communities, associations, NGOs). Also technologies, market, finance and legal frameworks play a role and through these functions an even larger group of organizations need to be considered when it comes to systemic innovations.

Methods and fora need to be developed which facilitate such a dialogue and decision making process which aims at the participatory identification of a shared innovation challenge and the development of commitment towards the forthcoming systemic innovation process. The perspectives, approaches, language, processes, work pace and culture of the actors can be very different from one-another which increases the challenge posed for such a method.

The aim of the SIP project is to further the development of methods which are needed to respond to large scale challenges. In order to do this, three sectoral analyses are conducted: built environment, information society services and health. The project outputs will serve the purpose of structuring innovation related policies and programmes.

The project is funded by TEKES and the partners are Aalto University / CKIR, VTT and University of Turku.

Page content by: | Last updated: 04.06.2014.