Imagining Digital Future

Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR) Annual Workshop

will be held on Friday August 18, 2017.

Venue: Aalto University School of Business, Chydenia Building, Runeberginkatu 22-24

The impacts of the ongoing digital transformation in our business and societies have been broadly discussed over the past decade. As digital technologies have matured and we have become more aware of their potential, discussion focus has gradually shifted toward disruptions on current business models and processes, as well as on the implications to the development and openness of societies. Latest European and international research programs have acknowledged the risks of technology focused development paths, and highlighted the role of human centric design and increased focus on well-being and inclusiveness. Numerous initiatives have been launched to draw scenarios and policy recommendations based on big data and pilot projects.

We would like to take a step further, and take a peek into the further horizon. How will we interact and communicate in digitalized world? How will digital bling change consumption patterns? What will our business and educational systems look like in virtualized and augmented future? And most importantly, how will we ensure that everyone has the required skills and competences to stay on board with these transitions. Borrowing from future studies and various disciplinary approaches to digital transformations, this workshop invites the speakers and the audience to come together to imagine digital future and the radical innovations and new services it brings along.

Please register by 12.8.2017 at ckir-workshop-biz [at] aalto [dot] fi.

CKIR workshop 2017 program (pdf)

Page content by: | Last updated: 18.08.2017.